Phoenix Sexual Assault & Rape Lawyer
Criminal Defense Serving for 25+ Years
Because sexual assault charges carry stiff penalties mandated by Arizona law, it is essential to take an aggressive stance in the defense of an accusation. As an experienced Phoenix criminal defense attorney, our lead attorney, Jason Lamm, knows that this type of case is largely factually based and rests on a "he said, she said" scenario. By investigating and interviewing potential witnesses as well as countering medical evidence, we have achieved exceptional results for clients in Phoenix and all of Arizona.
Sexual assault is often defined as sexual contact that involves a non-consenting party. The definition of a lack of consent parties may include a victim's inability to consent due to intoxication or physically / mentally incapacity.
Schedule your case evaluation by contacting our sexual assault & rape attorney today.
Finding the Defense You Need in Arizona
Many claims of rape are unsubstantiated and unfounded. Nonetheless, Arizona law requires a mandatory prison sentence for a first offense. We believe aggressively investigating and defending every case makes the difference in weeding out the all too common false allegations.
A person's occupation may put them at particular risk for accusation, including:
You Have Questions, We Have AnswersWe have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive and have provided the answers below to help you better understand your case.
Are You a Professional Who Has Been Arrested?Let our firm choreograph your defense and assist with your professional or licensing issues.

Services Tailored to Results You Want
Jason Lamm | Phoenix Criminal Attorney
For more than 25 years, Jason Lamm has established himself as Phoenix's go-to criminal defense attorney. Hear from Jason about what drives him to passionately represent the little guy, the big fish, and everyone in between.
Jason Lamm Attorney at Law:
N. 7th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85006
We Are Ready to Help You
There are varying degrees of sexual assault that are usually dictated by the age of the alleged victim. Statutory rape (consensual sex with someone under age) is treated as sexual conduct with a minor even with consent, and the penalties can be even harsher that for sexual assault. Like most sex offenses in Arizona, one who is convicted of sexual assault must register for life as a sex offender.
Sexual assault accusations are very serious no matter how inaccurate the accusation may be. Convictions result in stiff consequence so any individual facing even an allegation should seek an attorney immediately. Our Phoenix sex crimes attorney can offer you accurate consultation and legal advice which may in some cases completely stop charges from being filed altogether.
Call Jason Lamm Attorney at Law today at (602) 663-9100.
Our Clients Share Their Experiences
Your work has shaken off my burden in my heart.
I learned more in 90min with you then I have in the past 9 months from my previous lawyer
"You are a beast. You were made for serving your clients. There’s nobody better than you, brother. Keep fighting the good fight. Stay strong and healthy."